What a horrible week it was this and last week, me being sick with bad bronchitis that the doctor said was bound to turn into pneumonia-and I've been stressed out like nuts. I've been having complications getting signed up for work since I didn't have a State ID (and went out with mom in a thunderstorm to DMV to get one...I had an ID before but I had to throw it out because they spelled my name wrong.) And then I'm trying to look for a farm, and my family has become either stupid or crazier than usual. 

Not quite sure which. And here begins the 12 days of Wishmas. The 12 days of wishes. 


Today, we brushed Freedom and guess what? She let me brush the top of her tail! :D That was after she tried to kick me but then was like...*snorts* "Fiiiiine..." And so, she was pretty much okay after that. When I picked up the blanket-Freedom FREAKED OUT! She pulled against the ties as far as it would go, and stretched the leather halter as hard as her little head could handle

It took quite a few moments before Freedom figured out that it wasn't gonna hurt her and she let me place the blanket on her with relative ease. It looked so good on her and when I asked Ali for help-she placed the terrifying leg straps between Freedom's back legs and snapped them on. At first, Freedom side stepped, obviously worried-but Ali held on. 

Then....Came the terrible lunging! I lunged her with my own long lunging whip (only holding it up. I never, EVER would hit Freedom. EVER.) and she really freaked out a bit. It took a few more times around before Freedom was able to lunge with me just holding the end of the line in one hand held up. 

She wouldn't lunge at ALL on her right side, even when I poked, tapped her and even made scary noises by hitting the whip on the ground. Freedom just stood there, flinching and looking at me like; 'You're not gonna hurt me...Are you?' Eventually-I gave up and rubbed the whip all over her, even her BUTT, under her BELLY and all over her LEGS! Freedom started to fall asleep. 

Apparently according to her...It felt good. 

Eventually, I taught her whoa with placing BOTH hands up. And she actually got it! So happy! She's learning still but yeah. When I let her loose, I started teaching her the directions by pointing in the air with one hand and waving wildly with the other hand and telling her to "GO, GO, GO!" Well....

It worked.  

Freedom was so beautiful though. Her tail was up like a flag, her head was up high, ears perked and alert as she galloped around without a care in the world. That was the first time ever that I saw her run like that. She looked so happy. 

And then we tacked her up, the western head stall and bit on top of the leather halter. I tried to drive her and....Epic fail. Just...Fail. So then, I decided to lunge her. 

PERFECT. Freedom calmly trotted around me, obeying my signals to keep up her pace and to whoa. She was an expert by the end of the day of lunging! I was like WHOO-HOO! 

However, in the process of today...I tore the side of my finger, ripping the cuticle and it bled. That folks is why you wear gloves when lunging an un-lunged horse. 

Also, a little detail about Freedom's blanket! I ironed on a horse studded pattern and it looks absolutely marvelous! Hard to believe that mommy got the blanket for me for Christmas for only 49.99! 

Another funny thing is, I never measured Freedom for her size, and it fits perfectly, a snug 76-and I knew that black and red would look so good on her! I'm having a mental party right now in my head about my achievements with help of God and my parents!

On a side note, as we came home on the bus-this is what we saw. To me....It looks like a Stairway to Heaven. It makes me wonder, to who ever is dying or died then....

But I am sure, they were ushered home in peace. 

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