Well-I have to admit. Today went better than how it started off as. With my loving mother's help-I rode Freedom today again for the second time ever. And I'll be honest. I was TERRIFIED. I was scared she was going to get scared over the smallest thing and throw me once more. 

I got on. She stood there patiently and walked beside my mom on the lunge line and when I told Freedom 'Whoa', she stopped. 

When I clucked and told her 'walk' she walked on and was careful to go slow after I began clutching my legs on her side for dear life. But the slower she went-the more relaxed I was and loosened my grip on her mane and became very happy. 

Every once in a while, we stopped, even backed up once! She turned her head in the direction that I pulled on the bit with and she did have problems giving into the pressure of my foot against her side-but she got the basic idea of what to do.

Before we got off-I did rub my boots ALL OVER BOTH SIDES of her! She was actually fine with it. And to the last and most terrifying part...To get off...

I got on her on the left and dismounted from her right side. That way, I didn't hit her 'sensitive spot' and she was actually calm. The entire time, my wonderful mare....

...Was calm. 

The horses in the stalls didn't even bother her. If she was in free-time, she'd have freaked out! But once I was on her, Freedom knew that she had to focus on me and do a good job. 

And without a doubt, Freedom did so! Today, it was funny to see me trying to lift one of her front legs when mom decided to give out treats and it was AMAZING to see this mare HOP over to my mother and get the said treats. Well...I never thought it possible but Freedom managed.

I have noticed though....The last times I went to see Freedom, I wore a different coat but not today. Today, I wore my usual sweat shirt and not even ONCE did she give me trouble like hesitating, not wanting to come out of her stall. In fact, Freedom today walked backwards so that I would actually be very close to her bum and she didn't move around when I brushed her tail. She stood quietly, watching and made sure that when I tugged, she moved over so that I was closer to her. 

She let me brush her legs today with a normal brush, let me tighten the girth SEVERAL times since I caught her holding her breath...(sly girl) and didn't threaten to kick or hold her ears back. In fact-Freedom seemed EAGER to go! What a day!

I also took back the shampoo I bought for her, because I'm going to get some medicated ones instead hopefully on friday. 

Today....Me and Freedom conquered our fears. I conquered my fear of being thrown and she conquered her fear of trusting. Today....We made a step forward at last.

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